Healthy Eating
We strongly believe a child's diet is a key component of a child's growth and development. Good nutrition is important for children to:
ensure they get the right amount of energy and nutrients needed to support growth, development, health and well-being
ensure that they do not consume to many calories, which may lead to overweight or obesity
encourage children to eat a wide range of food and develops healthy eating habits to take with them into later childhood and beyond.
Mealtimes are a good source of learning. We encourage children to sit together and serve themselves (age appropriate), placing an early emphasis on social graces and table manners . Children eat their meals with members of the staff in a family environment and they are encouraged to try a range of different foods. During meals time we all come together to eat, talk and enjoy the social occasion. We also encourage children to be involved in the preparation of some meals and snacks. There are many things that children can learn from food, from ingredients to categories food, life cycles, understanding of healthy eating, food culture and so on.
We can discuss any special diet or allergies with parents and ensure that all children are catered accordingly.
Our menu have been planned to provide approximately 90% of the average daily energy and nutrient requirements for a child aged one to five years, divided across meals and snacks provided during full day care in the following proportions:
breakfast 20%
morning snack 10%
lunch 30%
afternoon snack 10%
tea 20%
This leaves a 10% for an additional drink or snack at home.
There is a weaning menu for children from 6 months old with a gradual introduction to the full menu.
During snack time we offer a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables with fresh water and milk.
Ask for a copy of our seasonal menu by email.
Some of our meals photos

Creamy chicken with broccoli

Pork Sausages with potato and carrot mash and peas

Beef Meatballs with Spaghetti,
tomato and broccoli

Mixed beans and vegetables stew with cows cows

Steamed cod in tomato and mixed vegetables sauce with cows cows

Cod fish finger with sweet potatoes and peas

Our delicious Lasagne
Some of our Snacks and desserts

Pancakes of love

Clementines with bread sticks